Once a month (currently the last Saturday of the month) we suspend our regular services and activities in favour of a whole day to worship God.
We call this day ‘UP’ because we are setting aside a portion of time to look up in thanksgiving and worship. It is a time where we come together as a church family to seek God’s presence, encounter His love, and respond in heartfelt worship.

During this dedicated day of worship, we prioritise creating an atmosphere of adoration and reverence. Through uplifting music, passionate singing, and heartfelt prayers, we invite the Holy Spirit to move in our midst, guiding us into a deeper connection with God.

‘UP’ days provide an opportunity for individuals to set aside the busyness of life, to pause, and to focus their hearts and minds on God. It is a time to express our gratitude, surrender our burdens, and offer our praises to the One who is worthy of all honour and glory.

We invite you to join us for ‘UP’ as we exalt the name of Jesus, encounter His transformative power, and experience the joy and freedom that comes from worshipping Him together!

Last Saturday every month

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