Weekly service

Our weekly Saturday morning service for adults is a great opportunity to gather together as believers and spend some focused time worshipping our great God, learning about him and growing in our faith.

We worship, we teach the word, we invite the Holy Spirit to meet with us and strengthen us. Come and grab coffee beforehand or stick around after the service has finished to have a chat and enjoy the fellowship of believers!

While the adults are meeting, kids and teenagers have their own church in the room next door. You can find more about FLKids on their page.

At Faith Life Church, our desire is for every person to experience God’s love, encounter His presence, and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds and walks of life to join us as we worship, learn, and journey together towards a deeper faith and a more abundant life.

We invite you to be a part of our weekly service and discover the joy and fulfilment that comes from a vibrant faith community that is dedicated to following Jesus Christ.

Every Saturday, 10.45am – 1pm

Our services are streamed live on YouTube – if you’d like to check them out, you can find them at this link on YouTube: FLCG YouTube

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